
Association of media editors of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean


Editors Javier Moll and Arantza Sarasola during their closing speech at the ceremony to commemorate the 45th anniversary of Prensa Ibérica / Photo: Taken from El Periódico de España.


March 13, 2023

Prensa Ibérica commemorates 45 years of information and commitment to democracy.

Editors Javier Moll and Arantza Sarasola celebrated on Wednesday night in Madrid the company’s trajectory and its contribution to progress at an event with 350 personalities from politics, business and Spanish civil society.


Together with Javier Moll and Arantza Sarasola, president and vice-president of the family company, leading politicians such as the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and a large representation of the Government with ministers such as Óscar Puente (Transport and Sustainable Mobility), Jordi Hereu (Industry and Tourism), Ángel Víctor Torres (Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory) and Mónica García (Health), passed through the photocall.


The couple took the opportunity to express their “gratitude and recognition” to the more than 15,000 professionals who, throughout these 45 years, have contributed to making Prensa Ibérica what it is today.


The event also attracted the interest of numerous businessmen. In addition to the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, and the secretary general of UGT, José Álvarez. The event was attended by presidents and CEOs as important as Antonio Brufau (Repsol), Antonio Huertas (Mapfre), José Bogas (Endesa), Pedro Saura (Correos), Raquel Sánchez (Paradores), José Vicente de los Mozos (Ifema and Indra), Jacobo Cosmen (Alsa), Simón Pedro Barceló (Barceló), Óscar Fernández (Shell), Francisco Pérez Botello (Volkswagen), Carmen González (Huawei), Marco Sansavini (Vueling), Sofía Osborne (Osborne), Ernesto Antolín (Grupo Antolín) and Eduardo Pastor (Cofares), among many others.

The dinner was also attended by presidents and CEOs of companies and organizations linked to communication, such as José Creuheras and Javier Bardají (Atresmedia), José Joly (AMI), Miguel Ángel Oliver (Efe), Asís Martín de Cabiedes (Europa Press), Javier Visiers (Cope), Gregorio Méndez (Promecal), Jesús González Mateos, president of EditoRed, and Alberto Barciela, vice president of EditoRed and director of the Congress of Editors Europe Latin America.

There were also representatives of diplomacy, such as the Chinese ambassador to Spain, Yao Jing; of supervisory bodies, such as Cani Fernández, president of the CNMV, and of sports, such as Alejandro Blanco, president of the Spanish Olympic Committee.

The evening, hosted by journalist Isabel Jiménez, began with the voice and talent of soprano Pilar Jurado, who performed two gems from the history of music, Casta Diva and Sempre Libera. The guests then enjoyed a menu designed by Madrid chef Paco Roncero, accompanied by wines from the Terramoll winery.

The finale of the event was provided by more than forty musicians from the ADDA Symphony Orchestra of Alicante, conducted by Josep Vicent, who thrilled the audience with Beethoven’s Symphony No. 7.


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