
Association of media editors of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean


Network of Publishers of the European Union and Latin America EDITORED, THE JOURNALISM THAT BRINGS US CLOSER

In the European Union, in Latin America and the Caribbean, journalistic challenges are similar. This has been evident since 2012, when the first intercontinental congress of editors was held in Santiago de Chile, which has since then brought together the heads of the newsrooms of the most important media in their respective countries. But not only the challenges, but especially the key concepts to overcome them, have been shared in the meetings that have taken place, in Valencia-Spain (2015), Bogotá-Colombia (2017), Berlin-Germany (2019) and in Madrid-Spain (2021 and 2023). The most recent of the meetings closed with a declaration in which all the participants pledged to develop a permanent and coordinated work, through an organization that allows sharing experiences, problems and solutions to the challenges that journalism faces.

With that history and to face those challenges, this July 12, 2023, we present to the society “EditoRed”, the Network of Publishers of Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean. The network is constituted through the International Association of Media Publishers of the European Union and Latin America, whose inaugural Assembly took place on July 11 of this year.

The defense of the free exercise of the journalistic profession is one of the main fields of action in which we will work. The “EditoRed” will defend the right to freedom of expression, especially of journalists and the media, whether or not they are among its associates.

The “EditoRed” will be pending to alert about laws that undermine freedom of expression and to inform about new legislation that protects it. The members of this network will develop and disseminate journalistic works that are of intercontinental interest.

Likewise, they will share the good journalistic practices that are developed on both sides of the Atlantic. Also, they will be concerned with supporting and facilitating the work of editors, journalists and the media they represent. Training and virtual and face-to-face meetings will also be part of their permanent actions.

The other great field of action of the “EditoRed” is the contribution to improve information and understanding between the European Union and Latin America. This has been the distinguishing factor since the first publishers’ congress. The intercontinental contribution is based on an empathetic, respectful and horizontal look among the members of the “EditoRed”, without room for discrimination or contempt. On the contrary, “EditoRed” is strengthened by the high value it places on the contribution of each of its members, who represent not only the media but also the history and culture of each of their countries.

The “EditoRed” is not constituted to represent the business interests of the media, but those that have to do with the exercise of the journalistic profession; in this area, it will be open to the participation of publishers and communication companies. The “EditoRed” will also maintain lines of dialogue and work with independent journalistic organizations and with organizations that defend press freedom.

To achieve its goals, the “EditoRed” will use, in particular, its own digital sites, its direct contact mechanisms between editors, periodical publications, studies, training, and virtual and face-to-face meetings. The Publishers Congress will be its main space for reflection and action, a meeting that will be held annually from 2024.

Before European and Latin American societies, especially, and before the world, in general, we make the firm commitment that this journalistic network be a bridge for understanding between continents, to value their cultural wealth, to contribute to the solutions of their problems, to overcome stigmas and prejudices, to disseminate new issues and new visions, to contribute to the understanding of the complex interconnected world in which we develop, to create bridges towards peace.

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