
Association of media editors of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean




Deputy director

He is deputy director of radio TSF, where he presents the programme O Estado do Sítio. He holds a PhD. in Political Science, specialising in International Relations, from ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. Master’s degree in European Societies and Policies from ISCTE. Degree in Sociology from the University of Porto. Degree in Sociology from the University of Porto.

Formerly International Politics editor for radio and television at RTP (2015/2018). ). He presented the programme Visão Global and the Programa da Manhã on Antena1. Former Deputy Director of Information at RDP (2005/2012).

Associate researcher at the Centre for International Studies at ISCTE and collaborating researcher at Observare of the Autonomous University of Lisbon.

Visiting professor at ISMAI (currently), he has taught several courses on journalism at ULHT and FLUC and on international affairs at ISCTE, UAL and the National Defence Institute.

Participation in ten and a half books as author and co-author.

Portuguese Press Club Radio Reporter Award (1999). Casa da Imprensa Radio Reporter Award / Maria Leonor Award (2005).


Journal de Noticias, Portugal

Executive editor

He began his career in 1997, as an intern, joining the staff of Jornal de Notícias (JN) in 1999. Since December 2020, he has been Deputy Executive Editor (Editor), after which he has held various editorial and team coordinator positions throughout his career. In direct dialogue with JN’s management, he executes the front and back pages of newspapers, as well as planning and coordinating the work of dozens of editors and around a hundred internal and external collaborators. Between 2018 and 2020 he was deputy editor of the national section of JN. He was responsible for the edition of JN Negócios between 2004 and 2006, the first economic supplement of the newspaper, later replaced by Dinheiro Vivo, where he was also deputy editor between 2011 and 2018.


Writer and journalist

Writer and journalist with a life in two worlds (Spain -TV de Galicia- and the United States -The Washington Post-) and in three languages (Spanish, Galician and English). Avendaño’s journalistic career in Spain developed at the Compañía de Radio-TV de Galicia (1988-1992) where he presented and directed long-format programmes in which he interviewed national and international personalities from the world of culture, science and politics. He was also a contributor to the newspapers Faro de Vigo, El Correo Gallego and El Mundo. In 1992 he became the US correspondent for Radio Gallega and a member of the Foreign Press Association in New York. In 1999 he was appointed deputy editor and director of El Tiempo Latino, in Washington, DC. In 2004, The Washington Post bought this Hispanic publication and Avendaño was appointed executive editor in charge of the Post’s Spanish-language journalism project. From 2004 to 2016, he served as news director of the Post’s Hispanic business, except for a two-year period when he was appointed director of Business Development to strengthen the Spanish-language product. In 2017, Avendaño ended his relationship with The Washington Post and assumed the presidency of Latino Impact Media. During the same period, he accepted the position of White House correspondent for the National Association of Hispanic Publishers for a year. During 20 years of journalism in Washington, DC, Avendaño has collaborated or has been a commentator for the main TV channels in the country and has received the most important awards from the Hispanic press in the United States, as well as three Emmy™ Awards from the American TV Academy. He is a founding member of the Thomas Jay Harris Institute for Hispanic and International Communication at the Texas Tech University School of Journalism. Since 2020, Avendaño has lived between Galicia and Washington where he is a member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language.


The Diplomat in Spain


He holds a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. Since 2014 he is the Director of The Diplomat in Spain and since 2011 he is the Spokesperson of the Press Association of Madrid.

He has worked as Editor-in-Chief of Diario Regional de Valladolid, as an editor for Europa Press and as Diplomatic Correspondent for ABC.

He has travelled to a hundred countries as a special envoy to cover the visits of the King and Queen of Spain, the Prime Minister and the Spanish Foreign Affairs Ministers, as well as international events (European and Ibero-American summits, etc.).

In 2014 he received the Ibero-American Personality of the Year Award from the Organization of Ibero-American Journalists (OPI).


Congress director


He is a contributor to the programme Gente Viajera on Ondacero, the Grupo Prensa Ibérica (“Faro de Vigo”, “La Opinión” de Coruña, “El periódico de Catlunya”, etc.), “El Correo Gallego”, “El Progreso”, Grupo La Capital (“El Ideal Gallego”, “Diario de Arousa”, “Diario de Ferrol”, “Diario de Bergantiños, etc. ), “Atlántico Diario”, and digital newspapers such as “Aquí Europa”, “Galicia 24 horas”, “Galicia Única”, “Diario Luso-Galaico”, “El Trapecio”, “Mundiario” or “O Barrbanza”. Some of his works have been published in “ABC”, Grupo Joly or “La Región”.

He is a member of the Mesa del Turismo, in which the most relevant associations of the Spanish tourism sector are represented, and of the Spanish Union of Tourism Professionals. He has collaborated with SEGITTUR and other tourism institutions. In recent years he has been the director of “Estrelas no Camiño”, a charitable gastronomic project in which more than 40 Michelin stars, including Juan Mari and Elena Arzak, Martín Berasategui, Eneko Atxa, Jordi Cruz and the Torres Brothers.


La Razón newspaper, Bolivia


She studied communication at the Universidad Católica Boliviana in La Paz – Bolivia. She holds a Master’s degree in communication from the Catholic University of Louvain. D. in social sciences from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. She is a researcher and teacher in social sciences, communication and literature.

She has been a columnist for several press outlets in Bolivia. She is a radio and press journalist and a host of political debates on Bolivian television.

Since 18 October she has been Director of the newspaper LA RAZÓN.


La Estrella newspaper, Panamá


He began his professional career at RPC Radio in 1993 and in 1995 he became a journalist at the now defunct daily El Universal, where he worked as a closing editor. In January 1998, La Prensa opened the opportunity for him to become a closing editor and after training in newsroom management, he became chief reporter and then editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

After an ascending career at La Prensa, in 2005 he decided to open up a field in strategic communication and became an information officer for the United Nations Programme (UNDP) in the dialogue for the Social Security Fund and from there he went on to become information officer for the Panama Canal, attending to the proposal for the expansion of the inter-oceanic waterway. While at the ACP, he was called to run La Estrella de Panamá, a historic newspaper that was on the verge of disappearing.

In September 2006, he began the titanic task of rescuing the credibility of La Estrella de Panamá and its former prestige, a task that has now been achieved with the support of many people. In the interim, 2014-2015, Berroa left the newspaper and founded the magazine Portada, which he later sold to La Estrella de Panamá, when he was called to run the newspaper again, a task he has carried out to this day.


Agence Europe, Belgium


With an academic background in economics and business management, he has always been attracted to the European field. After a brief stint at the European Commission and then at a communications company, in November 2004 he started working as a journalist at Agence Europe, an agency specialising in European affairs since 1953.

She covered the 2008 financial crisis, the 2012 sovereign debt crisis and all the budgetary and financial reforms undertaken at European level in response to these events. He also dealt with the EU’s relations with Latin America.

In April 2015, he took over the reins of the ten-person full-time editorial team. Its publication covers all European issues and its mission is to demonstrate that, at each legislative stage, a text evolves and is the subject of intense negotiations within a European institution and between EU institutions.


Clarín newspaper, Argentina

Editor Central Desk - Audiovisual Manager

Professional with experience in media, advertising agencies and institutions. He started working in 2001 as a producer in investigative journalistic programmes for on-air TV and for different documentaries.

Then he accepted the challenge of building audiovisual teams and developed as a content generator. He has worked as a journalistic researcher in some books and documentaries.

He is currently in charge of content and audiovisual strategy for the newspapers Clarín and Olé and is head of the photography department.


Prensa Ibérica Group, Spain

IR Director

Graduate in Information Sciences, branch of Journalism from the University of Navarra. Until joining Renfe, he was Director of Events and Public Relations at Telefónica. . In the same company he has also been Director of Media and Events Strategy (2008-2011) and Deputy Director General of Media, Advertising and Sponsorship (2003-2008). Previously, and among other responsibilities, he has been director of News at Onda Cero Madrid (2002-2003), and founder and director of Expansión Televisión of the Recoletos group (1998-2002), in addition to different positions of responsibility in this same group.

Carmelo Calvo Ridruejo has been a speaker at various seminars, conferences and meetings held in Spain, Argentina, Chile and Panama, and a lecturer on the Master’s Degree in Journalism at El Mundo, part of the Recoletos group. He was awarded the Aster Communication Prize in 2001 by the Escuela Superior de Gestión Comercial y Marketing (ESIC).


La Reforma newspaper, México

Executive Editor

Editorial Director of the daily Reforma since April 2019. Previously he was Director of Información Metropolitana and Planas Editoriales. He also coordinates his work as director of the newspapers METRO CDMX and EDOMEX; and as co-writer of the column TEMPLO MAYOR.

He has written a fiction book entitled “Horas Encontradas”.


ABC COLOR newspaper, Paraguay

Editorial Secretary

He has worked in different written media (Diario La Tribuna, Diario Hoy or Diario Ultima Hora), audiovisual (Canal 9, CVC, or Teledeportes/ Tigo Sports) and sound (Radio Paraguay, Radio Primero de Marzo, Radio Antena 2, Radios Rock&Pop Radio Uno and Radio Ñandutí) until becoming Head of Sports between 1992 and 2016 in Diario ABC and Editorial Secretary since January 2017. He has also been at Radio Caritas Universidad Católica since 2020.


El Tiempo Group, Colombia

General Editor

Journalist and social communicator with more than 40 years of experience. He has been a television and radio reporter; head of research for television opinion programmes; documentary maker and for almost 30 years he has been linked to EL TIEMPO Casa Editorial. Here he has worked as political sub-editor, editor of the city section, editorialist and currently holds the position of General Editor. He was in charge of setting up the news system of the local television channel Citytv. He developed and launched the weekly magazine MI ZONA, a product with an emphasis on citizen journalism.

He has been a professor of urban journalism and opinion journalism at the Universidad Javeriana and has a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Miami.

He has twice been awarded the King of Spain journalism prize for his work ‘El proceso a los medios’, alongside journalist María Teresa Ronderos (1996) and ‘Cuatro años para salvar el agua de Bogotá’ (2012). He currently writes the Sunday column ‘Voy y vuelvo’, on city issues, with which he won the ‘Alvaro Gómez Hurtado’ journalism prize.

In 2015 he won the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) award for his journalistic coverage of the World Cities Summit in Medellín. Today he is part of the strategic team that designed and has taken forward the convergence and multimedia model at Casa Editorial EL TIEMPO and is the coordinator of the Grupo de Diarios América (GDA) Colombia chapter.


Il Sole 24 hore newspaper, Italy

International Editor

Professional journalist for the economic daily “Il Sole-24 Ore”.
-1987-1988, Junior economist for Ibm’s Economic Studies Office
-1989, Junior economist for Fabrizio Galimberti’s “Studies, forecasts and analysis”.
-1990, joined the International Finance Editor of the newspaper “Il Sole-24Ore”;
-1991-1996, Editor in the Research Department of the same newspaper, dealing with macroeconomics, the process of integration of the European Monetary Union, labour policies and international economics;
-1994, special correspondent for five months at the New York editorial office of “Il Sole-24Ore”;
-1997, on the Italian Economy desk of Il Sole-24Ore;
-1998, Buenos Aires correspondent for Il Sole-24Ore;
-1999-2007, on the foreign desk of “Il Sole-24Ore”, responsible for Latin America.
-2008-2013, Latin America correspondent, based in Buenos Aires.
-2014-2021, Envoy for Latin America.
From 1991 to 2021 he has made more than 100 trips in Latin America, reporting on Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.


Folha de Sao Paulo Group, Brasil

Editorial Director

He has worked at Folha since 1998, as a reporter and editor, in different areas (Sports, Politics, Business). He has covered two World Cups and two Olympic Games as a reporter and has also worked as a correspondent in New York.

He is responsible for digital strategy and, since 2016, editor-in-chief of the newspaper. Graduated in journalism at the University of São Paulo and in the BCNY Master, a partnership between the University of Barcelona and Columbia University.


Il Sole 24 hore newspaper, Italy

International Editor

Rita Fatiguso is part of the foreign newsroom of Il Sole24ore, the Italian economics and finance daily. Writing about China since 2003, he had the privilege of witnessing the rise and changes of the era of the “top leader”, President Xi Jinping, during the years of correspondence from Beijing.

For the guys at Il Sole 24 Ore he has written the investigative books “Navi delle false griffe”, dedicated to the feats and misdeeds of globalization and “Oltre la Murglia”, an investigation on Italian SMEs in China, from GuangDong to Jangsu



Director of Institutional Relations

Journalist specialising in economic and socio-labour information and corporate communication.
He has worked at La Voz de Asturias and Expansión. From 1992 to 2021 he worked in the UGT trade union, where he has held different positions of responsibility in communication, up to the position of Director of the Office of the Secretary General and Director of Communication.


Extra Group newspaper, Costa Rica

General Manager

In 1992 he joined the Extra Group and developed the Extra TV42 project. At the end of 1995, he moved to Radio América 780AM, a radio station of the media consortium, where he worked for three years. In 2004 he became assistant manager of Grupo Extra, a position he held until 2011. Since 2011 and to date she is the owner and General Manager of the Sociedad Periodística Extra Ltda., a family business that brings together a physical newspaper (DIARIO EXTRA), a television channel (42 UHF) and a radio station (Radio América 780 AM); in addition to the websites of each of the 3 media.



CEO de Prestomedia Grupo y Editor del diario Aquí Europa y de Canal Europa

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Información y Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, es Máster en Comunidades Europeas por la Universidad de Lovaina.

En 1984 fue redactor jefe de Economía en El País. Más tarde, desde 1989 hasta 2003 fue director y director general de EuropaPress, la primera agencia privada de notcias de España. Desde 2003 hasta 2006, asumió la dirección general de la agencia de comunicación del Grupo Quator, especializado en comunicación, relaciones públicas, public affairs y marketng directo, donde llegó a ser vicepresidente. También ha sido presidente de Internet Saludigital y director General de Jurcam Producciones Comunicación.

Es CEO del Grupo Prestomedia así como editor del diario Aquí Europa (diario establecido en Bruselas especializado en la UE) y de Canal Europa, canal de vídeo OTT sobre las Instituciones Europeas.


Folha de Sao Paulo Group, Brasil

Editorial Director

Journalist with 15 years of experience in popular journalism. At Folha Group since 2008, he has held the positions of editor, publisher, editor-in-chief of reports, editorial secretary and editor in charge of Agora São Paulo. Currently, he is also deputy secretary of Folha’s newsroom and editor of the F5 portal.



Director General

Nacido en Madrid en 1963. Diplomado por el IE en Dirección de Empresas turísticas. Desarrollo la mayor parte de su carrera profesional en el Hotel Villa Magna de Madrid, donde pasó por todas sus divisiones acabando de Director General y Representante de la Propiedad. Perteneció al grupo de especialistas en Alojamiento de la Cadena Hyatt en Europa, miembro del Consejo de la Amicale Internationale des Sous Directeurs et Chefs de Réception des Grand Hôtels or AICR The International y Presidente en España, además de Miembro de Honor de las Llaves de Oro.

Del 2013 al 2016 Director de la División de Sport & Leisure del Grupo Compass y Director del Grupo Ozu Servicios de Restauración en España.

En 2016 se incorpora al Grupo Multimedios como Director para España.




Spanish journalist, university professor and former politician, director of the daily La Razón since 2008. He holds a PhD in Law and a degree in journalism. He was a member of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the 5th legislature of the Parliament of Catalonia between 1995 and 1996, and later worked as an advisor in Mariano Rajoy’s team during the latter’s term as minister. Previously, he was a member of the Executive Committee of the UCD Youth and of its Political Council in Catalonia.


Europa Press, Spain

Business Development Director

Candelas is director of business development at Europa Press and a member of the third generation of the family that has owned the agency since its inception more than 60 years ago.

Her main responsibilities are the geographic expansion of the agency, as well as the development of new products and services.

Previously, she worked at the Spanish multinational Indra, as head of business development for America and Africa, as well as a strategy and corporate development consultant.

Candelas has a degree in Law and Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and a Master’s in Business Administration from the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid.

Europa Press is the first private multimedia news agency in Spain that distributes daily more than 2,500 news items in text, photo, video and audio.


El Tiempo Group, Colombia

Managing Director

He studied social communication and journalism at the Universidad del Valle and has a master’s degree in Political Science from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá.
With more than 27 years of journalistic experience, he has made “school” in the newspaper El Tiempo. With more than 27 years of journalistic experience, he has made “school” in the newspaper El Tiempo. He has been a correspondent in Cali and has managed different sections in the newspaper, including Nación and Política. He has also been editor of Justicia, editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief, as well as deputy editor of the newspaper.

Carlos Mora


Congress director, Ecuador

General Editor

Co-director of the VI International Congress of Media Editors, Madrid-2023.

Editor, from 2010 to May 2022, of the newspaper Últimas Noticias, belonging to Grupo El Comercio, Ecuador. He has worked in this communications company since 1997.

He won the Eugenio Espejo National Journalism Award in 2012.

He holds a degree in Social Communication from the Universidad Central del Ecuador. Diploma in Communication and Business from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar.

Editor of the books ’60 anécdotas quiteñas’ and ‘Fiesta en las calles’, both by writer and journalist Jorge Ribadeneira.

Sixth participation in the International Congress of Media Editors.


Axel Springer Group, Germany

Head of European Affairs

He is Head of EU Affairs at Axel Springer SE, Berlin.

He studied Agriculture at the Catholic University of Santiago de Chile and at the University of Applied Sciences in Soest (Germany), and Economics (M.Sc.) at Colorado State University in Fort Collins (USA). He then completed an apprenticeship in journalism at the DIE WELT newspaper and an apprenticeship in editorial management.


Viajar magazine, Spain


The director of Viajar is a journalist, photographer, tourism communication consultant and university lecturer. Before assuming the direction of the magazine and its brand development, Palau worked at Catalunya Ràdio, a public radio station where he held the positions of Head of News Production and editor in the founding stage of Catalunya Informació – the first 24-hour news radio station in Spain. For the same medium, he worked as a special envoy for the International section in places such as Algeria and the Balkan conflict. His next professional stage led him to direct the television channels Cultura and Natura in Vía Digital.

CEO and founder of Inmedia, a communications agency and marketing consultancy specialising in the travel, tourism and gastronomy sectors, he created the technological solution “Destinos que hablan®” for the digitalisation of tourist destinations, as well as directing travel documentaries and TV series on the same subject, as well as the audiovisual content of the Repsol Online Guide. In the written press, he has published regularly in publications such as Viajes National Geograhic, Traveler Condé Nast, Hola Viajes, the ‘Magazine’ of La Vanguardia and El Mundo.


El Mercurio newspaper, Chile

Politics Editor

Journalist with a degree in Social Communication from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. He has developed his career as a journalist and editor at the newspaper “El Mercurio” in Santiago. There, where he has worked for 20 years, he has worked mainly in the political area, first as a reporter, and then as Coordinator and Deputy Editor of Reports; Co-Editor of Special Topics and Political Editor.

He has been a special envoy for “El Mercurio” on presidential tours to Europe, the USA and Latin America. He has also interviewed Chilean and international political leaders and personalities. He has also been in charge of special coverage of Chile’s trials at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

In his role as editor, he has led journalistic teams covering presidential and parliamentary elections and, currently, the constituent process taking place in the country.

During his career he has been recognised by the Ministry of Defence for his journalistic contribution, in 2017; he has received an Honourable Mention in the Inter-American Press Association competition, in 2011; the recognition for journalistic excellence awarded annually by the newspaper “El Mercurio”; and first place in the Journalists’ Union Award, in 2008.


Albavisión Group

Head of Production
President of Skyquest International Inc.

He has over 30 years of media experience as a writer, programmer, producer and distributor. He has been Vice President and General Manager of TeleFutura (Univision Network). Previously, he worked for Televen de Venezuela, where he served as general manager and vice president of production and programming. He was also executive vice president and general manager of Coral Pictures Coration and Eurocoral Television; vice president of sales, programming and production at the now defunct Radio Caracas Televisión (RCTV), and independent distributor for Sky Quest.


La República newspaper, Colombia


PhD in Political Studies and Public Opinion, Director of the newspaper La República since 2009 and economic commentator on Radio.

University professor and journalist specialising in economics, finance and business.

He has an extensive professional career: he worked at El País in Cali, El Tiempo in Bogotá and El Mundo in Madrid and for 10 years he was general editor of El Colombiano in Medellín.

He studied journalism at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente; specialised in economics at the Universidad de la Sabana; studied at the Universidad de Navarra and at the Advanced Executive Program at Northwestern University.

He is also a specialist in Senior Management at the Universidad de Los Andes.

Author of the book La Identidad y la Estructura del Diario Económico (1996) and has written more than three thousand editorials during his long career as a publishing house executive.



Coordination of current affairs information

Colombian, resident in Madrid for 21 years. With more than 20 years of professional career, I have developed my career with great vocation in private and public companies, in the field of journalism, institutional communication and diplomacy. Both in Colombia and Spain.

I am currently working at WRadio, a radio station belonging to Grupo Prisa, in charge of coordinating news coverage from Spain to Colombia and the United States. Covering from various parts of Spain, the news of the moment and interviewing national and international personalities.

I have worked for about five years as a diplomat in Madrid, in the Colombian Embassy in Spain, in charge of institutional relations with the media and with Spanish businessmen, positioning Colombia’s image and strengthening investment.

I am a speech writer, speaker, event presenter, master of ceremonies, moderator of debates and talks. I have developed work projects with great knowledge about the Ibero-American community with SEGIB, OEI or Pacific Alliance, among others.

Extensive experience as a journalist in Spain and Colombia, working for several of the most important Latin American media in radio and television, such as Caracol TV, TV Azteca, Telemundo, among others. As well as in the press offices of Colombian public entities.


La Nación newspaper, Argentina

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Carlos M. Reymundo Roberts (Buenos Aires, 1956) is a graduate of the Círculo de la Prensa School of Journalism. He studied at the University of Navarra (Spain) and has worked for the newspaper La Nación for more than 35 years. He was a correspondent in Latin America and covered the wars in the Persian Gulf (1991) and in Ecuador and Peru (1995).

He is a full member of the National Academy of Journalism. He has worked in radio and television, and received numerous distinctions at home and abroad. He is founder and co-director of the Masters in Journalism at La Nación and Di Tella University. At the Austral University he was a professor at the School of Communication and was a member of its Board of Directors. He has published six books. He is married and has five children and six grandchildren.


Prestomedia Group in Portugal


Fernando Rodrigues Pereira, 53, graduated in Public Relations at UFP, where he also taught for 10 years. Postgraduate degree in Competitive Intelligence at Université Aix Marseille. He has held management positions in multinationals such as McCann Erickson and D&E/Weber Shandwick, and in national agencies such as NTM and Press-à-Porter.

He has developed several projects and campaigns with emphasis, for example, on interventions as head of institutional campaigns or public affairs and lobbying. Director of Prestomedia Group in Portugal since 2009.

Since 2015, he is senior partner of CCCP and is currently consultant responsible for Communication and Press Relations at the Serralves Foundation. Member of the Administration of the international NGO Common Home of Humanity. Vice-President of the Portuguese Association of Liberal Professionals.


Journalist, Venezuela

Vicepresidente de Información

In 1985 he graduated with a law degree, also from the Andrés Bello Catholic University of Caracas.

More than a decade in El Nacional give way since 1990 to experience in Economics TODAY in the field of specialized journalism where I work as head of Design, editor-in-chief and finally as editor of the newspaper. This stage ends in 1996 to begin the transition in El Universal where I initially work as editor of Economics, since October of that same year as Editor in Chief and since August 2014 as Vice President of Information.


Kreab Group in Spain


Graduate in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, where he also took doctoral courses. He has held the position of News Director on Radio Nacional de España and on the television channels Canal+ and CNN+. He was also Deputy Director of News on Antena 3 TV and Director and Presenter of Weekend News on TVE.

For 12 years, he kept the daily interview program “Cara a Cara” on the CNN+ antenna, which was attended by the main actors in politics, the economy, society and culture, both Spanish and international.

On Radio Nacional de España he directed and presented the current affairs program “Edición de Tarde” and the interview space “Comedor de Invitados”. On Antena 3 he directed and presented the informative program “El Primer Café”

Currently, he is a partner of the Kreab Communication and Public Affairs consultancy and chairs the Communication Council of the European University. He is also an analyst of political news in the “Herrera en Cope” program and collaborates with the Juan March Foundation.


Prestomedia Group in Italy


Manuel Sánchez (1958, Granada, Spain). Graduate in Law (University of Granada and Seville) and Master in Institutional Communication.

Professor of Media Relations at the Faculty of Institutional Communication of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome.

Professor of Media Relations at the FacDirector of the specialization courses in religious information of the same University, aimed at correspondents and diplomats. President of ISCOM, an Italian entity that develops activities of professional communication assistance to non-profit, educational and social development entities. He is vice president of the NGO Harambee Africa International, dedicated to the development of cooperation, development and communication projects in sub-Saharan African countries.


RAI, Italy

Deputy Editor

Professional journalist since 1993. She is currently Associate Editor at Rai Radio 1 (national public radio channel) and Giornale Radio Rai (Rai Radio news service). In addition, he has editorial responsibility in the three Radio News Channels (GR1, GR2 and GR3), social networks and important events.

She has also worked as Associate Editor at Rai TG3 (National Public Television News Service – Channel 3); at the Economic News Office – Rai TG3; and as Economic reporter in RAI TG3.

He has written news reports and extended reports for various international meetings, including the G7 and G20, the International Monetary Fund, Ecofin and the Eurogroup. He has also made special reports on the Subprime crisis in the United States, the oil market and platforms in Texas, the economic boom in China and India, the Olympic Games in Beijing and Turin, the Copa América in Valencia, and the birth of the European Championship.


NOTICIAS DE NAVARRA newspaper, Spain


Navarrese journalist. He studied journalism at the University of Navarra. He has worked at Torrent Televisión and at the newspapers El Mundo, Navarra Hoy and Diario de Noticias, where he has been director since 2008.


Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper, Poland

International Editor in chief

Since 1997 in Gazeta Wyborcza (main Polish daily). Covers Spain, Portugal and Latin America with numerous trips to Spain, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia.

Since 1982 he has been a correspondent for La Vanguardia (Spain) in Poland.

He collaborates with the Polish television channel TVN24.

He studied Spanish and Portuguese philology, as well as philosophy, history, sociology at the University of Warsaw, graduated in 1980. He completed Hispanic Studies at the Complutense University in Madrid.


El Comercio newspaper, Ecuador

Managing Director

He has been linked to El Comercio for more than 21 years, where he held the position of Multimedia Editor at the Central Table for three years until 2015 when he left the media. Vaca has extensive experience in newsroom management and has been a consultant for Fundamedios.


Clarín newspaper, Argentina

Editor in chief

Journalist since 1987. I was editor of the current affairs magazine Gente, director of the magazine Tiempo de Aventura, editor of Culture and Education of the newspaper La Nación and I had my own company called Vaca Edición y Contenidos.
In 2011 I returned to Clarín, where I had been an intern in 1989, as editor of a popular newspaper that the company launched, called Muy. In 2016 I was appointed to launch a new supplement in Clarín called Spot, which brought together Shows, Trends and Culture. And in 2017 I became a member of the Central Board of Editors of the newspaper, as one of its four bosses. Within it, I am in charge of all the content aimed at mass audiences, including the Last Moment, SEO, networks, Video, Photography, Design sections and the verticals of the newspaper, such as Technology, Cars, Travel, Gourmet, Fame, International, Dress, Good Life and Astrology.


La Prensa newspaper, Panamá


Lawyer and journalist, with extensive experience in corporate matters. She is currently the director of the newspaper La Prensa, a reference medium in the Republic of Panama. Winner of international awards such as the Pulitzer Prize (In collaboration with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists for the Panama Papers project) and the Polk Award (In collaboration with the Forbidden Stories group for the Poster Project). Co-author of three books, all published by Penguin Random House publishing house (Dangerous Societies, Noriega’s Ghost and Traffic).

Member of the Aspen Institute and the Central American Leadership Program. She was president of the National Council of Journalism and is a member of the Forum of Journalists for Freedom of Expression and Information and the Rotary Club of Panama.


Die Welt newspaper, Germany

Chief editor

Jennifer Wilton is a German journalist and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Die Welt since 2022.

She studied Hispanic Philology, History, Cultural Studies and Media Studies in Berlin, Münster and Madrid and obtained the title of Magistra Artium. At the same time, she began working as a freelance journalist, among others, for Tagesspiegel, Spiegel, Die Zeit and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and as a guest journalist for the Spanish daily El País.

From 2006 to 2007 he completed an internship at Die Welt. Since 2008 she was an editor in the reporting department, since 2011 she created the new section “Titelthema” (stories and investigative reporting, cover stories) and became its head. After a guest stint at The Guardian, she also created the “Digital Storytelling” department in 2013. Since 2017 she has been the Head of the “Investigation/Reporting” department. In January 2022 she became editor-in-chief of Die Welt.


Ansa news agency, Italy

Head of International

Born in Venice, March 19, 1960
Graduated in History from Padua University
1984-1992 – Reporter at ANSA bureau in Venice
1992-1994 – Editor at ANSA foreign desk in Rome
1995-1997 – ANSA Bureau Chief in Tehran
1997-2001 – ANSA Bureau Chief in Tokyo
2001-2011 – ANSA Bureau Chief in Tehran
2011-2018 – ANSA Bureau chief for the Middle East region in Beirut
Since 2018 – Senior editor at ANSA foreign desk in Rome
L’Iran oltre l’Iran (Iran beyond Iran), Castelvecchi, Rome, 2016
Khomeini, il rivoluzionario di Dio (Khomeini the Revolutionary of God), Castelvecchi, Rome, 2018 (First Italian biography of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran)

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