
Association of media editors of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean


King Felipe VI (center) presented the CODESPA Awards. The winners were the Peruvian company Pesquera Diamante (Solidarity Company Award), the Ecuadorian multinational Kruger Corporation (Inclusive Business Award) and the journalist Pablo Sánchez Olmos (Journalism for Development Award). / Photo: Account X of H.M. the King's Household.


King Felipe VI presented the CODESPA Awards at the Repsol Campus in Madrid, headquarters of the multi-energy company. The winners of this edition are the international companies Pesquera Diamante and Kruger Corporation. In the journalism category, the winner was Pablo Sánchez Olmos.

In this twenty-second edition, the involvement of the private sector in the search for social and economic change for the most vulnerable people and to promote their inclusion in society has been highlighted. The role of journalism in making these actions visible was also highlighted.

Before presenting the awards, the King held a meeting with the board of trustees of the CODESPA Foundation, of which he is honorary president, and greeted the members of the Business Observatory for Inclusive Growth, a business platform promoted by CODESPA together with the IESE Business School and Boston Consulting Group.

During the event, he referred to CODESPA’s purpose and impact as an engine of economic development for the most vulnerable: “What began then as a small seed of hope has blossomed into a tangible reality that reaches many countries, with a very positive impact on the lives of millions of people and the communities of which they are a part. Despite the difficult context in which you operate, you show that your enthusiasm and commitment increase, year after year, with each project you carry out.”

He also valued the importance of the role played by companies in sustainable development, “they have a great capacity to influence the future we want. A future with opportunities for all”, because their involvement allows CODESPA and other organizations to ensure that their work reaches more people. “Today we celebrate that CODESPA is not alone in this mission. It does so hand in hand with many organizations and entities that you are here. Because, in order to face today’s enormous social challenges, the commitment of the whole of society is needed.”

His Majesty was accompanied by Pilar Cancela, Secretary of State for Migration.


The jury of the XXII edition of the CODESPA Awards – chaired by Antonio Rodríguez-Pina, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Bank and President of CUNEF – has chosen as winners a Peruvian company, Pesquera Diamante, and an Ecuadorian company, Kruger Corporation.

Pesquera Diamante, with its “Tambos Pesqueros Diamante” initiative, has improved the nutrition of pregnant women and children by incorporating blue fish into their diet. In addition, it has promoted a network of women’s enterprises to ensure the quality of the fish so that they can be sold at an adequate price.

Kruger Corporation plays a crucial role with its project “Exponential Technification for Agriculture through traceability with blockchain”, benefiting small farmers in Ecuador and Colombia by improving the quality and safety of their crops, as well as promoting fair trade.

Pablo Sánchez Olmos has won the CODESPA Award for Development Journalism for his report “A sustainable alternative for the Golden Triangle”, which helps to make visible a sustainable practice that transforms the reality of a society affected by violence and lack of opportunities in the Mexican highlands of Durango (El Mundo).


During the ceremony, King Felipe VI encouraged those present to pursue their aspirations: “Do not stop believing that it is possible, as did a group of pioneers, among them my grandfather, Don Juan de Borbón y Battemberg, when he took on the challenge of being the first honorary president of CODESPA. Since I took his baton, I have presided over these awards and met companies and professionals who are an example of true social commitment.”

The CODESPA Awards have counted with the collaboration of the journalist Javi Nieves as presenter. Clínica Baviera and Fundación Prosegur made the meeting possible, as well as Repsol, hosting the event in Madrid at the company’s headquarters.

The finalists in the 22nd edition of the CODESPA Awards were the Spanish multinational Antolin with its program “Village Upliftment Program: a social circular economy project, a new life for a village”; the also Spanish SQRUPS with its initiative “Incluyendo Futuro”; and the journalist José Ignacio Martínez Rodríguez, with the report “El medio maratón diario de las hermanas Nchira para ir a clase” (El País, Planeta Futuro section, digital).

This 22nd edition marks another milestone in the organization’s mission to recognize and celebrate excellence in social commitment and sustainable development. CODESPA hopes that it will inspire more companies and professionals to join the cause of sustainable development and contribute to global well-being.


Building an economy that provides opportunities for all is a global challenge, manifested in all its breadth through the Sustainable Development Goals. Solutions to inequality, poverty and social injustice require the commitment of all. Companies, because of their role in the economic development of nations, and communication professionals, because of their own mission, can be major drivers of change towards a world that progresses for all equally. Thus, in 1997 the CODESPA Awards were created with the mission of encouraging the participation of the private sector and communication professionals in the current social challenges. They are currently presided over by our Honorary President, H.M. King Felipe VI, and are held every two years. More information.


CODESPA is a development cooperation NGO with more than 35 years of experience. Since its foundation in 1985, it has been promoting sustainable and lasting solutions to tackle the causes of extreme poverty in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Its actions combine the participation of the local community, the proven experience of professional teams and the involvement of the public and private sectors. It creates business and employment opportunities for the most vulnerable by ensuring their access to training, financial services and the market. Its methodology has brought more than 5 million people from poverty to prosperity. The Honorary President is H.M. King Felipe VI.


This text was originally published in Aquí Europa, with whose authorization we reproduce it.


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