
Association of media editors of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean




Galicians have spoken clearly, forcefully, without ambiguity or ambiguity. And each of the political groups will have to learn their lesson. Some will have to know how to manage their successes and the others will have to evaluate the reasons for their resounding failures, but everyone must understand that a new stage is beginning in which Galicia and its citizens are still important.

I know that President Alfonso Rueda knows that a majority is a tool, a valuable instrument, essential, but that it requires strategic action and calls for a repositioning in a world of global and urgent demands, of unavoidable commitments to health, sustainability -green and water, fundamentally-, training -basic, university and, uniquely, FP (Vocational Training)-, culture, languages, art, understanding of opportunities: digitization, design, tourism, etc., and the links with the fourth and fifth generations of emigrants, scattered around the world, and one of the most tangible and misunderstood values of Galicia.

The management model to follow can be found in INDITEX, but in any case the President and his team know that it must be forged in a close public-private partnership, respectful of traditions, attentive to trends, supported by superior knowledge, referenced in polymaths and authorized by each sector and its leaders, with a constant balance between populations, between the interior and the coast, well represented in Madrid, Lisbon and Brussels. Transparent and honest. The new Galicia, in which we all fit and are necessary, must be better, must know how to preserve the fabulous legacy of our ancestors, and understand the contributions of the new generations, from the respect for ideological differences or nuances, overcoming those three great evils that once determined the almost imposed inculturation: pride, distrust, envy. And we must correct the fratricidal localist battles.

I sincerely believe that it is time for the President-elect to dispense with ties and inefficiencies. He has won the elections as the leader of a party with a clear program. He must be generous but he must also know how to exclude the burden of the recent past and incorporate the best into his project, exclude the inefficient, dialogue with everyone and involve all those from civil society who have to help him to achieve, in solidarity and conviviality, what until now has been denied to us in favor of other territories. There must be a strategy of efficiency, coordination, a positive sum, a recovery of stimuli and, fundamentally, of people and professionals -many, including excellent civil servants, excluded for more than a decade-. And thus, “step by step, with feeling”, to compose a puzzle similar to the one that Manuel Fraga managed to shape in his day.

Today we enjoy the best Rueda, young, with desire, with a project and with the capacity to lead the Galicia of the 21st century to a successful conclusion. He is now the skipper, the “petrucio”, the baron and is in a position to steer the ship towards a good port. The ship, loaded with renewed illusions, has passed the most demanding review. It is necessary to follow the voyage and to make sure of the destination.

The defeat of others has led them to the rocks or to store in their holds large bottles of borrowed soda. It would be good for them to understand that they should also participate in the best future for Galicia.


Alberto Barciela, Spanish journalist, is vice-president of EditoRed.

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