
Association of media editors of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean


Voting is proceeding normally in Panama's electoral boards / Photo: Account X of the Electoral Tribunal of Panama.


Ismael Gordón Guerrel / La Estrella de Panamá

The Electoral Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS), under the direction of Susana Malcorra, made a call to all Panamanians: “Wait calmly for the results that will be delivered by the electoral authorities, the only ones empowered to do so”.

Likewise, she urged political parties, candidates and other political actors to conduct themselves with patriotism in this transcendental moment for the country.

“As Head of this Mission, I hope that these general elections will be a new democratic celebration for Panama,” said Malcorra.

The OAS mission is made up of 70 observers from 19 countries around the world. During the week just concluded, they met with the electoral authority, the President of the Republic, presidential candidates, the civil society and the international community, to know their points of view of the electoral process.

The mission has been visiting voting centers throughout the country since very early in the morning to gather technical and detailed information on the development of the elections throughout the country.

“Sunday is a transcendental day for your democracy and a great opportunity for you to decide on the future of your country, and on who will guide the destiny of Panama for the next five years,” said the head of the mission in a video posted on the official OAS X account.

“From the Mission of the Organization of American States we want these general elections to be – as usual – a citizen celebration in peace and tranquility in which you are a central part of the decision-making process, in which you actively participate and express your opinion through a free, informed and independent vote,” they added.

On the other hand, the Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa, encouraged this Saturday Panamanians to comply with their right to suffrage and go out to vote in Sunday’s general elections, because it would be a “grave sin of omission” not to do so.

“We cannot fail to comply with this duty and this right: not to do so would be a grave sin of omission”, he assured in his homily at the mass he presided, in the framework of the elections of this May 5, which was attended by five of the eight presidential candidates, as well as the magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal, responsible and co-responsible of the different commissions of the General Elections Plan (PLAGEL), electoral observers, representatives of the civil society and of the Body of Electoral Delegates.

Ulloa pointed out that going out to vote “must be a commitment that strengthens democracy and reinforces the country’s institutionality. An effort for the common good”.

“The vote decides! Going to vote is an act of responsibility and love for the homeland, its people and its destiny. Thinking about the homeland is better than closing oneself in personal or group interest and better than letting oneself be overcome by pessimism. Abstention will never favor the people”, remarked the religious.

During the homily, the Archbishop of Panama urged the TE to “carry out a clean, fair and transparent process”; to the parties and movements for free nomination, to “contribute with the healthy exercise of exercising their vote in an environment of coexistence promoting respect, accepting the freedom of opinions and options”; while to the presidential candidates, to “regardless of who is elected, to take off the shirt of their political party and put on the shirt of Panama”.


This article was originally published in La Estrella de Panamá, with whose authorization we publish it here. If you intend to use it, please cite the newspaper and include links to its publication.

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