
Association of media editors of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean


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By Julio García / Aquí Europa

The European Council has approved on May 21, 2024 a groundbreaking law aimed at harmonizing rules on artificial intelligence, the so-called Artificial Intelligence Act. The flagship legislation follows a “risk-based” approach , meaning that the higher the risk of causing harm to society, the stricter the rules. It is the first of its kind in the world and may set a global standard for AI regulation.

The new law aims to encourage the development and adoption of safe and reliable AI systems across the EU single market by public and private actors. At the same time, it aims to ensure respect for the fundamental rights of EU citizens and to stimulate investment and innovation in artificial intelligence in Europe. The AI law applies only to areas within EU law and provides exemptions, such as for systems used exclusively for military and defense purposes, as well as for research purposes.

Mathieu Michel, Belgian Secretary of State for Digitalization, Administrative Simplification, Privacy Protection and Building Regulation, said, “The adoption of the AI law is an important milestone for the European Union. This landmark law, the first of its kind in the world, addresses a global technological challenge that also creates opportunities for our societies and economies. With the AI law, Europe emphasizes the importance of trust, transparency and accountability when it comes to new technologies and, at the same time, ensures that this rapidly evolving technology can flourish and drive European innovation.”


The AI law also addresses the use of general purpose AI (GPAI) models .

GPAI models with no systemic risks will be subject to some limited requirements, for example with regard to transparency, but those with systemic risks will have to comply with stricter rules.

To ensure proper implementation, several governance bodies are created:

An IA Office within the Commission to enforce common rules across the EU.
A scientific panel of independent experts to support enforcement activities.
An AI Board with representatives from member states to advise and assist the Commission and member states in the consistent and effective implementation of the AI Law.
A consultative forum for stakeholders to provide technical expertise to the IA Board and the Commission.


Fines for infringements of the AI Law are set as a percentage of the overall annual turnover of the infringing company in the previous financial year or a predetermined amount, whichever is higher. SMEs and start-ups are subject to proportional administrative fines.


Before some entities providing public services implement a high-risk AI system, it will be necessary to assess the impact on fundamental rights . The regulation also provides for greater transparency with respect to the development and use of high-risk AI systems. High-risk AI systems, as well as certain users of a high-risk AI system that are public entities, will have to be registered in the EU database for high-risk AI systems, and users of an emotion recognition system will have to inform natural persons. persons when they are exposed to such a system.


The AI Act provides an innovation-friendly legal framework and aims to promote evidence-based regulatory learning. The new law provides that AI regulatory testing environments , which allow a controlled environment for the development, testing and validation of innovative AI systems, should also allow testing innovative AI systems under real-world conditions.


This article was originally published in Aquí Europa, with whose permission we reproduce.

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